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Receivership Documents

Chu v. Le et al McCarthy J  Recievership Order dated December 22 2023

Receiver's Reports and Correspondence

Receiver's Notice (s 245)

Court Documents

Motion Record - Meridian - 30-NOV-2023

Contact Persons

Josie Parisi - CPA, CA, CBV, CIRP, LIT - Partner and Senior Vice President
BDO Canada Limited, Toronto Centre FRS
Direct: 416-369-6031
[email protected]
20 Wellington E, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M531C5

Peter Naumis - B. Comm., CIRP, LIT -  Vice President
Direct: 905-615-6207
[email protected]
360 Oakville Place Drive, Suite 500
Oakville, Ontario L6H 6K8

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