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How to save money using the cloud

May 10, 2024
12:00 p.m. (EST)

In an uncertain economy, we understand the continued cost pressures your organization faces and how the technology you use can contribute to those issues.

According to Dell, maintaining existing legacy systems can represent 60 to 80% of the entire IT budget, with maintenance costs rising by about 15% per year as the technology ages.

Thankfully, research has shown that migrating to the cloud can save organizations 20% or more on their annual IT costs, and this is backed up by our own experience supporting small- and medium-sized organizations across the country. But many organizations are hesitant to take that leap. Research from Microsoft shows that while 79% of small- and medium-sized organizations agree that the right technology solutions, including cloud, can help improve financial performance in uncertain times, cost remains the number one barrier to adoption (47%) followed closely by the uncertainty over the technology's exact impact on the organization (38%).

Watch our on-demand webinar to explore the areas of IT optimization that are often overlooked by organizations, demystify cloud adoption costs versus the potential returns, and share specific cost-savings strategies.

You'll walk away with a deeper understanding of:

  • How costly it is to operate legacy systems
  • Available financial incentives to help organizations modernize their technology
  • Cost-saving strategies that leverage cloud platforms, backed by real-world practical examples from Canadian small- and medium-sized organizations
  • Advanced cost saving techniques targeted at boosting productivity, improving automation, and leveraging AI to help scale your organization
  • Governance and other key considerations for ensuring a smooth transition to the cloud

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